• aziz@newwings-ind.com
  • 0092 52 3250284

About Us

Win Every Game


Newwings take pride in our approach to the Apparel World. The work ethic, Motivation and passion seperates us from others.

From the very begining we have worked hard to provide the best possible quality for our customers, to achieve this many times we have compromised our profits to make sure best is being delivered and this represents us.

We constantly work on new fabrics and products to make clothing better; Clothing that when you wear it, you know it was made to represent something more then a clothing line.

The approach we use in production is very simple, following each and every detail of our customer and making the best out of it. 

We never hesitate from suggesting our customers, as we believe that good trust between supplier and customer helps in achieving great success in the business relationship.

The Tagline which stands with us is very simple but comes with a strong meaning. Win every game does not only mean winning sports game but it tells us to win everything we are involved in, it can be a teens study, middle ages business, job, home matters and elders faimly responsibilty and living a good life. 

Mighty things from small beginings grow.